In Memoriam: Gold

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post today. Gold, a member of the VRChat team, community member, and friend of many, passed away recently due to natural causes. This was a shock to all of us, and our hearts go out to Gold’s family and friends during this difficult time.

Gold had a profound impact on the team, not only in his work but also in his attitude and positivity. I recall that during his interview process, he demonstrated a natural understanding of some of our core values and tenets at VRChat: providing a space where people could be their authentic selves without judgment or fear. He carried that mindset forward in everything he did.

He was incredibly kind and understanding of everyone he interacted with and assumed the best in all people. His empathy and genuine care for others created a positive atmosphere within the team and community.

Amid his busy work life, Gold made time for his passions. He loved exploring new virtual worlds, meeting new people, and embracing the limitless possibilities that VRChat offered. His enthusiasm, kindness, and adventurous spirit were genuinely inspiring.

Gold was a great friend to me and always wanted to hear and listen when I brought up any of my interests. He made me feel like I really had a voice that was heard within VRC and that I didn't need to be quiet or someone I wasn't. He was the first one to reach out to me when I first joined VRC and messaged me just to introduce himself and welcome me to the company. He was the first friend I made here and he helped me settle in, helping me and letting me ask questions even though he wasn't my onboarding buddy. Every conversation that Gold and I had was positive, even in times like when I was sick and nervous, he reassured me that I would be okay and made silly jokes to lighten the mood. I had the pleasure of working the same days as him, and was always looking forward to seeing him pop up in the chat when his shift started. Gold has such a down to earth and lovely soul that makes anyone feel comfortable and safe.

Gold was typically more quiet and contemplative than most, but was also one of the easiest people to talk to with his warm-hearted and welcoming nature. He was an easy-going soul and was one of the hardest-working individuals I've had the pleasure of knowing; always willing to lend a hand where needed. Gold was the type of person everyone would be honored to call a co-worker, and more importantly, a friend. He was a special human being, and will be sorely missed.

Gold joined the team in August of 2022. A refugee of big tech at LinkedIn, he brought an abundance of talent and skills with him. Unwaveringly kind to everyone, it was rare to not hear a friendly greeting in the morning, or an uplifting comment when people seemed to need it most.

But like any of us, he was so much more than his job. A kind person who enjoyed hanging out with friends in game worlds, watching shows, or really anything where people just spent time together. There was a time about two months ago when a passing crow flew into his backdoor window and had a bit of a ‘cartoon stars over the head’ nap in the yard. Gold went out to help it, made sure it was okay, and ultimately set it loose again with it's nearby crow family. Every day after that, if they were around, they'd caw at him when he came outside, like a weird bird greeting. He started leaving shinies out for them to collect from time to time, basically befriending an entire crow family at once.

Gold believed in the service, not just as a business but as a social lifeline for so many people around the world. Once he described the VRC experience as, “After weeding out the 'Do you wanna join my cult' people, we do find some really great friends on here.” For how many of us have met long-term friends, new family, partners, or anything in between, he certainly nailed the soul of our community. Gold would often talk about how important those social connections are for people, and how proud he was to be a part of, and to help preserve, something so widely helpful to so many people.

We've lost a brother, a kindred soul, one whose shoes could never be filled by anyone else. Rest easy, Gold - we'll keep the light on for you.

In honor of Gold, we have placed a golden flower vase in the VRChat Home. This vase serves as a symbol of his enduring presence and the warmth he brought to our community. We invite you to visit this memorial and reflect on the cherished memories and lasting impact Gold has left behind.

Gold's legacy will live on in the countless lives he touched. His kindness, empathy, and dedication to fostering a supportive community will always be remembered. While we mourn his loss, we also celebrate the incredible person he was and the positive impact he had on all of us.

— Tupper, Head of Community


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